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World Habitat is delighted to announce that as part of the programme being funded by the Nationwide Foundation, the following activities are now or will shortly be underway:

Stakeholder Analysis (External)

This activity will identify 8 case studies which highlight the benefits of engaging with community-led housing to a range of external stakeholders, which we hope will help us to demonstrate to a wide audience why supporting communities to get involved in the movement is a good idea.

The Stakeholder Analysis (External) work is being carried out by Social Regeneration Consultants.

Community-led Housing Baseline

This activity will gather data on community-led housing projects across England and Wales and provide an overview of the extent of community-led housing activity. The data will provide mappable information so we can identify hotspots.

The Community-led Housing Baseline work is being carried out by a consortium of organisations (National Community Land Trust Network, Self-Help Housing, Confederation Cooperative Housing, Wales Cooperative Centre), led by the National Community Land Trust Network.

Stakeholder Analysis (Internal)

This activity will provide a source of information about organisations and individuals who are active in or strategically important to the community-led housing movement, which will be used to target engagement throughout the World Habitat project.

The Stakeholder Analysis (Internal) work is being carried out by a consortium of organisations (National Community Land Trust Network, Self-Help Housing, Confederation Cooperative Housing, Wales Cooperative Centre), led by the Confederation of Cooperative Housing.

Knowledge Exchange

There will be 6 knowledge exchange activities held over the project duration. One activity will be provided by London Community Neighbourhood Cooperative in partnership with The Glass-house Community-led Design. The other five activities will be provided by Locality, in partnership with Development Trusts Association Wales and Development Trusts Association Scotland. The knowledge exchange activities will support the promotion of community-led housing and enable engagement and exchange between a wide range of participants.

World Habitat are very happy to have such a wealth of experience and expertise involved in the project.

If you’d like to know more, contact Jennifer.Line[at]

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